Data sheet
Name: Monument for Carolina Padova and Fanny Levi Cammeo
Location: field 2, no. 113-114
Author: Enrico Astorri (sculptor)
Execution date: 1905
Carolina Padova in Cameo, born in Livorno in 1839 and deceased in Milan in 1904, was buried with her daughter Fanny Cammeo in Levi who died in 1911. The sculptor Enrico Astorri (1859-1921) built a neo-Moorish canopy monument in 1905 with twelve columns surmounted by trefoil arches and a decorated dome with a bronze cinerary urn in the center.
Comm. Massimo Levi, Fanny’s husband who also died in 1911 in a car accident, is buried in the tomb next to them with an urn-shaped monument with Egyptian decorations.